One of the hidden powers God gave every human is the power of mind, mind is divided into two:  conscious and sub-conscious mind, your sub-conscious mind captures and registers all your actions that are being carried out by your conscious mind, when these actions persist for a long time, it will definitely becomes part of you which normally refers to as habit, your sub-conscious mind on it own will begin to replay these actions.

How To Automate Your Progress: 

Have a dream or vision of what you desire to achieve, it may be short, medium or long term.

Always take daily and deliberate steps toward your dreams (this may not be easy but possible)

You will get to a point where doing those things to achive your dreams become easy and you will definitely begin to see progress in that areas of your life without struggling.


  1. The power of the mind can not be over emphasised. Thank you for sharing this.


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