“Don’t be deceived God is not mocked whatever a man sows he shall reap”.

“He who sows sparingly shall reap sparingly and he who sows bountifully shall reap bountifully”.

“Give, it shall be given to you, a good measure well full shall be given back to you”.

“In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thy hand”.

These are the words taken from Holy Bible which at all times apply to our daily lives, may it be personal, business and relationship. Sowing is law of nature that has been valid and will remain valid as far as the world exists. All things you are doing with your life either consciously or unconsciously, either good or bad is always form of sowing in one way or the other, knowing this fact will help you to be deliberate and intense in your actions.

Areas To Sow Into:

Spiritual Life (Divine God):

Your life is not just composition of body and soul, mainly you are a spirit being, connect all time with the spirit of God “Spirit of righteousness” you may believe this or not but is very true that all things take order from spiritual realm.

Mental Life:

Never wakes in the morning and sleep in the evening or night without knowing and learn something new, you must acquire productive and progressive knowledge every day.

Financial Life:

You need to distinguish between Assets and Liability; whatever you acquire that gives money into your pocket or help you to save money is an Asset while Liabilities are whatever you have that takes money away from you, please invest in asset and let your assets take care of your liabilities.

Physical Life:

You need to take good care of your body, avoid eating junks or any unhealthy foods.

Life of Others:

Learn to give to others base on the opportunity you are having, it can be prayer, words of encouragement, money, material and any other helpful things.

Your Environment: 

Do all those things that will make your environment conducive, it may be natural things or otherwise, just make it a best place for livings.  

In Conclusion, whatever you sow will surely come back to you, possibly with many folds.


