Attitude -- Action -- Values (Wisdom For 2021)

Your Attitude, What You Do And Values In What You Do Will Make The Different.

One of the animals God indentified Himself with is Lion; Lion is called the king of the animals, why? Take note: Lion is not the biggest animal in the jungle, Lion is not the tallest, is not the fastest, most intelligent neither the most poisonous but when all other animals see Lion, they tremble, fear and respect her, despite Lion is not the best in qualities, Lion is still referred to as the king of animals, what now makes Lion the king of animals? The attitude and courage to dare challengers, attitude has to do with your perspective, your view and state of mind about things, whenever a Lion sees elephant coming, Lion is not seeing elephant as one big animal coming to injure her but sees a lunch or food coming, so it will map out strategy that will bring the elephant down for food, so also other animals irrespective of their power, in this year, improve your perspective about issues, those things may not be as bad as your viewing them, those things you view as obstacles before may actually be a stepping stone to advance your greatness.

It is also important to pay close attention to all you do i.e your actions and the values in what you are doing, as we are product of what we do and not what we say we do, inactivity does not bring productivities neither do wrong actions bring right results, doing something productive and doing it right is the answer to progress.

Also important, the values in your actions towards yourself and your environment.

Wishing You The Best From Now Henceforth.


Williams O. Payne
