Practical Ways To Solve Financial Problem, Part I. (Financial Impartation)


These Practical Understanding and Actions will help you to have sustainable money, earning legitimate money is not as difficult as you think as money is everywhere you turn.

I will need to make it clear that any money gotten against the Laws of God will at the end brings sorrow. Also want to add that no man created anything that has not been created by Almighty God, so whatever you make use of to earn money either tangible or intangible is still a creature/thing created by the creator.

I want to state these:-

1.    Accepting the personality of Jesus Christ is the first condition to make eternal life.

2.    Obeying Jesus Christ and Bible principles will give you dominion on earth, including dominion over poverty.

Let’s first talk about Wealth before Money, Wealth should be our ultimate goal, Wealth is the abundance of all good things you can think of on earth. Money is part of wealth but not the wealth itself.

Concept of Money:

Money is not in any form evil, how you earn it and how you spend it makes it evil and is with respect to the individual. Someone that steals money either by force or by the opportunity, God counts it as evil for him/her, when the same individual goes to the market to buy oranges, the orange seller renders services and will not receive any guilt base on the money passed to him/her.  

Seeing money as just a legal tender or something that has government back up as medium of exchange may not help you to think on how to get enough.

Channels of Money

This is real thing that makes you rich and give you financial freedom: We will discuss these in our next post.


Williams O. Payne


  1. Thanks for this eye opener.
    God's continue blessings in the name of Jesus.

    1. I Really appreciate your feedback.


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