3S For Sustainable Growth. Part 1 -Success Impartation-

I believe the time has come and the time is now for every serious minded individual to begin to seriously prosper, also to put together collective efforts for us to prosper and move humanity forward.
I want us to examine the Three S For Sustainable Growth and development in this post.

The First S
Have you heard about structure as one the keys for sustainable growth and development? Another word commonly used is “platform”; can you build a big house or embark on mega house project without house plan? I know you say no, that is how structure is, if you want to achieve your God given dreams or goals in any area of your life, you need to have blue print either written or mental that helps you to navigate the journey of life, the bigger your dreams are the more you need to commit them into something readable i.e write them down.
What is structure?
Structure has to do with how you combine small parts of your life together to form the big part, it can also be arrangement you put in place in your family, business, organization or any part of your endeavour that gives you required results, everything in your life has the way its functions, with or without your presence in order to get result, you must have a structure that supports whatever you wish to achieve in life.
I will use what you are familiar with to buttress my point: Mark Zuckerberg CEO of facebook created a structure in form of platform for you to share and see your friends and their friends, you don’t need to send the pictures or post to his office to do them for you, he created a structure/template/platform that you are using at the comfort of your home, you attach pictures and other things you can do using his platform. Do you have that template that makes your success and development easy? You must have a structure that supports whatever good things you want to see manifesting in your life. You want happy home? Create love atmosphere between you and your spouse and your children. You want financial freedom? Learn all about financial literacy and how to manage and invest your money; don’t call liability an asset, delay gratifications and so on.
Sit down today and build structure that helps you to grow spiritually, mentally, financially, medically and the rest.
I will write about the next S in the next post.
See You At The Top.
