The Power Of Little Actions

Convert Your Time, Energy & Resources Unto Productive Results.
I was inspired to put this message together, I believe it will meet the need of someone, incidentally this is my first post to the public through this medium, as this message will create an avenue for you to know that your little actions which you think is not important has effect on your overall life. Can you think of that little time you are spending on unproductive activities?, now, why won’t you waste the whole year if you can afford to waste the whole days, why won’t you waste the whole day if you can afford to waste the whole hours, why won’t you waste whole hour if you can afford to waste the whole minutes, why won’t you waste whole minute if you can afford to waste the whole seconds. If you think that little time you are wasting does not count, I want to tell you that it counts, the addition of those little little  Seconds & Minutes make your whole day and year, so also, your whole life, God gave everyone equal amount of time per day i.e 1440 minutes a day. What you become is the direct result of what you are doing with your time and talents, even if you think you don’t have talent, you can out of your time nurture one or commit yourself to something worthwhile, don’t think those little actions does not count, it really has effect on your life and destiny, get out of dilly-dally-it-does-not-matter attitude, be deliberate with all your doings, create a new path, move higher in whatever success you have already achieved in life. What separates achievers and mediocre is simply their actions and the intensity of all their doings.
From today, pay deliberate attention towards your little actions. Always ask yourself a very simple question: if I keep doing what am doing now at this rate and intensity, what result am I going to get in the next One, Two, Five even Ten Years?
Always engage in productive activities: 
